Welcome to Journey Therapy WA
The Journey process is a simple,
yet profound, tool for awakening,
healing and transformation.

'The Journey', pioneered by Brandon Bays, is recognised worldwide as a uniquely potent tool for awakening and liberating the infinite human potential. I am delighted you have discovered it!
This is a graceful, gentle guided process of insight, letting go and forgiveness which facilitates deep healing at all levels. The Journey process offers the opportunity to access your own infinite body wisdom.
The Journey works at the deepest level enabling you to access the trapped cellular memories inside your body and resolve them allowing physical and emotional healing.
You experience clarity and can resolve your past issues allowing full physical and emotional healing to take place within you effortlessly.
Could I benefit from the Journey?
Do you long for a balanced life?
Do you want to experience joy, freedom and true connection?
Would you like to forgive and let go of the past?
Would you like to let go of fear, doubt and judgement?
Do you want to fully recover from a physical challenge or disease?
Do you want to get in touch with your emotions for a richer life with more self expression?
Do you want to heal a relationship?
Are you ready to stop and connect with your life's purpose?
Do you want to let go of control and live life spontaneously?
Are you feeling stuck in life?
Dive into your own Designer Journey and heal your life...
How can I experience the Journey?
There are two main ways you can experience the Journey Process:
Privately with a Journey Therapist or by
attending the Journey Intensive Workshop.
The workshops in Australia currently happen primarily over in the Eastern States.
Who discovered the Journey?
Brandon Bays, founder of the Journey, is one of the most dynamic & innovative teachers in the healing and personal growth field.
In 1992 she was diagnosed with a football sized tumour and found herself catapulted into a remarkable, soul-searching and ultimately freeing healing journey.
Only six and a half weeks later, she was pronounced textbook perfect- no drugs, no surgery, no tumour.
During this profound period of healing she discovered the Journey and has since then shared it with people all over the world.